Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Just a rant....

well...this should get some interesting responses...  Is it the schools, the parents, the state - they claim it's not the kids or the teachers in the article...hmmm...  Keep in mind, they suddenly changed a scoring process on the standard tests the kids take....showing worse things than what is actually there.  Not sure if that affected this... Most schools in our area seem to have "A's & B's" for all grades. One school shows D & F. really?  Something to me is not right.  I know, I know - I do not have kids... so what.  Something isn't right.  After some things I heard a couple of months ago...I'm not trusting of the school board... not really sure if the state has the best interest of our kiddos in mind. Such a sad thing.

Here's the one that get's me:
from the article - "State Superintendent Janet Barresi said the grade changes were expected because of increasing academic rigor and changes made to the grade calculation.

"Our students do not know less than they did, and teachers are not doing a poor job. Far from it," Barresi said. "Classroom teachers are working hard, responding to more rigorous standards that will help children be prepared for successful and happy lives. As I had noted in August at a state Capitol news conference, this is a transformative time for Oklahoma education. The move to higher standards and expectations will be challenging, but the rewards will be generations of young people ready for college, career and citizenship." "

ok..well, those grade calculations for that "academic rigor" - the education hasn't changed, they do what they can.  AFTER the tests were taken, adjustments were made now that puts OK at the top of a list we should not be at the top of.  They make our kids appear worse off than they are.  I know they have the tests to "see" where the students/schools are - but jeez... give the kids some credit.  Many kids that would of had a seemingly satisfactory grade on these test now were in the below average/poor category.  We were kids once, we've all taken these tests... it's turning so much more political now and don't get it.  At times I'm glad I don't have kids so I don't have to deal with this - at the same time, I'm out of touch a bit since I don't.  So I do not want to hear that "you don't have kids, you don't know", No kidding!  I said that above...this is my opinion - just deal with it.  I hope some parents out there can do something to help get the state back on board with actually teaching the kids - do the standard tests to see where the kids are, to see where improvements are and make sure the tests are true tests and not the BS that has been done in recent years.

It is time to stop teaching the kids for the tests - this is missing the point of getting an education!!  Teach the kids what needs to be taught - not because it is something that someone thinks they need to memorize.

Anyway - Thanks for letting me rant...  Don't pick on me, this is my opinion and thoughts - replies are welcome, just be courteous and don't bash me or use ugly language.  Like I said - this should get some interesting responses.

oh, by the way - I found this on Facebook tonight and here is the first reponse to the FB post -  Finally !! Now take steps to improve the failing schools.   I hope that this is a parent of a student that is failing at a "failing" school.

c ya'll later...

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