Good Evening!
Just a quick note - I think I may have found my spiritual home.. I have found over time as I do believe in God and that their is a higher power than us, I find myself very tied to the earth and the heavens. Take tonight for example, as it is now dark when I leave work (thanks a lot time change!), I looked up to the Western sky to see the moon making its descent only to "pass" a planet. As I look up at the sky to these giant rocks, I feel calm. As is whenever I'm near water, it's very soothing.
My name has a watery meaning - depending on the source here are some of the meanings:
from/of the lake
calm waters
well, you get the idea.
Also being the fish sign of the Zodiac - Pisces - well, I have a thing for water and the outdoors.
I've longed for years to have a spiritual home. I've been to church, don't get me wrong. I enjoy the people, the signing, I do have issue with some things, which is what has kept me from really accepting any one religion.
I've been to Unitarian Church (closest to my thoughts), Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, Southern Baptist. I would like to go to a Catholic church once to honor my Grandparents, Preferably the midnight Mass on Christmas Eve.
The new home I feel close to lending myself to is old and ancient, long before Christianity came into being, before the Kings. There were, excuse me - are, Gods and Goddesses that have been believed in over the centuries, there is a belief in the earth, the heavens and more. I need that more. In my searching, the old Celtic practices and Pagan thoughts feel good to me. It honors the planet, it honors yourself. I think I remember hearing something about "not idolizing" things, I know this may start something, but I'm gonna put it out there - if that is the case and you take it very literal - do you not Idolize Jesus - to an extent? People have crosses with the nailed body the man that died for our sins. Sounds a little like idolizing something.
I choose to put above me the idols, if you will, of the Gods and Goddesses of this earth and beyond. God still exists to me, probably not the same as it does to you. I know what I feel and I feel this is the path for me. Many people will I'm sure call me mean things as I accept this practice and learn more and allow it breathe within me. What could be better than being that close to nature, to feel it live and to trust what it does? Water keeps us alive as do plants and animals... we honor God, why can we not honor other Gods or Goddesses for taking care of us, giving us life, even for the challenges we face to make us stronger.
Many of you will say mean things...I urge you, before you say something condemning me, do your research on how you should treat other people. Just because my thoughts are not the same as yours does not make me any less of a person or one more lost than yourself. once this comes to be, I hope my true friends will be supportive in this new process and not judge me. I will not do anything to try to make them believe just as they don't force their views on me as "the only way". I fear I may loose old friends, however I must do what is in my heart and follow the path that is before me.
We are human, we can think for ourselves. We can make our own choices. It is okay that my path is different than yours, but we may also walk side-by-side and be closer than even we realize.
I will see about keeping things posted about what I learn and my feelings as i go forward. This will be a wondrous journey that I feel I about ready to embark on. I just look for your support, not the reasons why I shouldn't. (okay - so not quite so short - I had to make my point thought,)
Blessed Be!
1 Thessalonians 4:11
9 years ago